Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The masses have been calling for it!

Dating has seemed to take on a life of its own in the last couple of years and it has become increasingly more difficult to meet, enjoy and continue to enjoy the company of the opposite sex. There probably should be a slew of reasons contributing to this trend, however, the real problem can probably be assigned or traced back to one of two scenarios.
Imagine, you have just gone out on a first date and had a great time. You assume that your date had a good time too, and you think of the possibilities. Think now of that friend of yours that is convinced this person is going to be the "one" after just the first date. You've probably had numerous conversations where you've had to sit through them planning out the wedding in their heads. If you are the friend that does this, find yourself constantly thinking this or encourage friends to do this, please STOP. You are not helping out the normal people that like to reserve weeks or maybe even months to make this type of decision. Not only are you getting way to ahead of yourself, but you are creating a culture that most people don't want created. It seems that dating has become increasingly more difficult becuase people have a tough time discerning between dates and relationships. If someone ask you out for the second time, it isn't becuase they want to marry you, maybe just maybe, it is becuase they had fun and want to do so again! The poor souls that immediatly jump to marriage or scaring away the normal people that are just trying to have a little fun.
Continuing on, you may go on a second, third or maybe even a fourth date and everything seems to be moving along just great... then the shit hits the fan. You call to go out and you get a response like "uh, I'm just really busy this week, I'm not sure if I am gonna be able to do anything." You may not even get a response. Being the optomistic person that you are, you just assume that they must have lost their phone or your text got lost in cyber space. But lets be honest, everyone, and I mean everyone, has pulled the "oh, you sent me a text, I never got it...I just hate this phone, I have been having problems with it...what, I totally sent you a text back, why didn't you write me back?" Why must people lie about such a simple thing and resort to blaming AT&T and T-Mobile. It is unfortunate that we have turned to lies in our attempt to end a relationship. Why has soceity accepted the fade-out as an appropriate way to end a relationship or courtship? Is it so hard to just answer the phone and say, "you know what, we had a good run, but it just isn't going to work out, let's be friends!" (PS, I have never handled something like this in my life, but i promise to try. We need only to look at ourselves for inspiration.)
Dating would be much easier if people wouldn't assume that every date is a interview for marriage and if the fade-out wasn't an acceptable method of ending things. People become hesitant to go out and have a good time becuase they constatnly have to worry about how things may or may not end. For the love of Nick Cannon, if this hits close to home, please stop acting this way!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When, Oh when!

After much deliberation and thought, I've decided that I shall address a subject that is prevalent in most every single-adults life; assuming that the single-adult is somewhat social. (however this may even apply to those people that don't seem to have an aptitude for dating.) As each of us know, us singles send out many texts during the course of a given day or week, I think it may even be safe to assume that some people send out hundreds of texts during any given week. Yes, i am talking about you Court and Zach! I just thought that it would be appropriate to address a texting topic as we start approaching probably the most worthless holiday ever...Valentines Day!
Imagine sending a text to a guy or girl you are interested in, a text that you and maybe your friends find to be very witty - which coincidentally enough probably took you about two hours to compose with countless drafts and edits to construct - and after sending it you wait in anticipation... Now I know that everyone has done this at some point in their life, so I do not wish to address the writing of the text, no no, what I wish to address is even more ridiculous.
What I find so fascinating is that immediately after sending the text three things begin to happen. First, you instantly become the most pessimistic person in the world. Never mind the fact that the recipient may be busy or may not have their phone, if we don't get a response immediately we begin to question our desirability. We question if anyone will ever like us again, and why, because it has been over 2 minutes with no response! Now this is a remarkable phenomenon, however it is hardly the part of the equation that is truly baffling. The downright crazy part of the process is this. Just after sending the text two more things happen. First, for you men, your leg begins to phantom vibrate as you anticipate a response and for you ladies, your purse appears to jump or oscillate due to phantom phone vibrations. Second, you begin to look at your phone for no reason every 2 minutes. You find yourself looking at your phone, hoping you missed the text chime or somehow didn't feel the vibration, even though you know that missing an incoming text at this particular moment is impossible! Why do we do this? And when your phone does ring or a text does come, but it is not from the person that you hoped, You are genuinely mad disappointed. At that particular moment it doesn't matter who responds or calls if it is not in response to your original text. I wish I knew why we acted in such a way, but one thing I do know is that we almost all do. Texting seems to cause pessimistic doubts, legs and purses to vibrate and feelings of anxiety, rage and disappointment to heighten. I wish we could just do away with texting, but then again I know we would just run into the same problems if we called and had to leave a message. So text away my friends, text away! THOUGHTS???

Friday, January 25, 2008

In my club?

Poaching, this has long been an acceptable method of obtaining new and funny material amongst my friends. Poaching comes from many different places and many different people, sometimes friends will readily acknowledge that they're using poached material, and may even cite the source. Other times, the original author will go completely unnoticed while the poacher benefits at the expense of the poachee. (P.S. Zach, a.k.a uncle Z bun is notorious for this and by far the worst offender at not citing his source.) Why the explanation? I am poaching material from my little nephew who Zach and I call "mini cousin." The mini cousin will decide if he likes or dislikes you and once a decision has been made you are granted membership in his club accordingly. Don't get to comfortable tho, he may expell members or add members at a momemts whim. I therefore shall be adopting mini cousin's idea and have created a club for my friends. I invite all to join, but buyer beware, membership isn't easy. I never said it would be easy I only said it would be worth it!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mind Bottling

Freezing Rain! One of the most mind bottling phenomena in the world. I don't think anybody truly understands its principles.
C. me if I'm W.

Is it me?

As more and more of my friends have gotten into the wonderful world of blogging I've decided that I have a lot of knowledgeble insight to offer. No I'm not talking about my amazing looks or my insanely huge biceps, I have a lot to offer becuase of my slightly different views and background. It has come to my attention that I may be the silky dude amongst our friends. To my defense, I wouldn't consider myself sculpted of 100% pure silk, but I may or may not have some silky tenancies which may be enough to prevent me from escaping the dooming stigma.
You may find yourself asking, "what exactly is a silk," I shall explain. Let us start our divestiture by describing a few key ingredients of a silk. 1.) He shall have a prestine pair of white K Swiss shoes which I coincendently do not have. Don't let yourself be fooled, if you have now moved on to all white skate shoes, your are a silk in transition, rest assured the market will catch up! 2.) Silks always have a pair of lighter than normal, wide legged jeans, ironically enough I got rid of mine two weeks ago! 3.) Pocka shells! There has never been a more sure fire way to spot a silk, this is a dead give away. Sorry bro, if you rock them, your are silky. Fortunalty i have never had a pocka based necklace or wrist chain. 4.) You most undoubtedly will have spiky hair with some sweet LA Looks jell and some awesome forsted tips, you will probably be sportin studs or hoop ear rings as well. I don't ever frost my tips and I hate to call anybody out on the carpet but... Trent seems to do this quite frequently. 5.) Please go and check your closet, if you have anything that could be deemed as slightly over seized or way to small, with a Tommy H or Polo logo on it, sorry dude your ass be silky! (PS, silks have also been known to hang out at such great locations as Hollister, Abercrombie and American Eagle.) On a perosnal note, I went 80's dancing at area 51 a couple of weeks ago, took off my sweater and wam, I had an American Eagle tee shirt on, ouch! 6 & 7.) These two really do me in. Silks almost always, and i mean always rock a crotch rocket and congregate near and around the nearest weight room. Unfortunalty, I just can't seem muster the courage to stop going, I just love carrying around my guns way to much! However, I recently have been trying to make the transition to road biking...
So why do I think I might be the silky friend? Have you ever notcied that in every group there always seems to be the annoying that no one ever calls? And if your are thinking to yourself that your group doesn't have anybody like that, your that person. That is kind of how this silky notion is for me. I can't think of anybody else in our group that fits the description described above, so... I must be sikly right? To recap, I ride a bullet back, I hit the gym to sculpt my guns, I don't own a pair of K swiss but often my friends question my shoe choices and I (gulp) often find myself attracted to frothy women.
I am silky????