Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When, Oh when!

After much deliberation and thought, I've decided that I shall address a subject that is prevalent in most every single-adults life; assuming that the single-adult is somewhat social. (however this may even apply to those people that don't seem to have an aptitude for dating.) As each of us know, us singles send out many texts during the course of a given day or week, I think it may even be safe to assume that some people send out hundreds of texts during any given week. Yes, i am talking about you Court and Zach! I just thought that it would be appropriate to address a texting topic as we start approaching probably the most worthless holiday ever...Valentines Day!
Imagine sending a text to a guy or girl you are interested in, a text that you and maybe your friends find to be very witty - which coincidentally enough probably took you about two hours to compose with countless drafts and edits to construct - and after sending it you wait in anticipation... Now I know that everyone has done this at some point in their life, so I do not wish to address the writing of the text, no no, what I wish to address is even more ridiculous.
What I find so fascinating is that immediately after sending the text three things begin to happen. First, you instantly become the most pessimistic person in the world. Never mind the fact that the recipient may be busy or may not have their phone, if we don't get a response immediately we begin to question our desirability. We question if anyone will ever like us again, and why, because it has been over 2 minutes with no response! Now this is a remarkable phenomenon, however it is hardly the part of the equation that is truly baffling. The downright crazy part of the process is this. Just after sending the text two more things happen. First, for you men, your leg begins to phantom vibrate as you anticipate a response and for you ladies, your purse appears to jump or oscillate due to phantom phone vibrations. Second, you begin to look at your phone for no reason every 2 minutes. You find yourself looking at your phone, hoping you missed the text chime or somehow didn't feel the vibration, even though you know that missing an incoming text at this particular moment is impossible! Why do we do this? And when your phone does ring or a text does come, but it is not from the person that you hoped, You are genuinely mad disappointed. At that particular moment it doesn't matter who responds or calls if it is not in response to your original text. I wish I knew why we acted in such a way, but one thing I do know is that we almost all do. Texting seems to cause pessimistic doubts, legs and purses to vibrate and feelings of anxiety, rage and disappointment to heighten. I wish we could just do away with texting, but then again I know we would just run into the same problems if we called and had to leave a message. So text away my friends, text away! THOUGHTS???


Zach said...


Such a good point my friend. Although I don't send 100 texts a day...I receive 100 texts a day.

God damn I respect you.

Anonymous said...

Brett... I don't know if you heard that I am done texting as well. I have been done for about four months. Have you noticed my never ending calls? Is that any better? I did laugh at the phantom vibrations in the purse though. It happens to me quite often. Love it!

Abby and Ryann said...

I'm rolling. This is good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go ahead and say that this also applies to sending naked pics as well. I mean what guy hasn't sent a pic of his junk to a girl and in anticipation of a response you get none. Then you start thinking are they sitting around with their friends laughing and making fun, girls do you have any idea what this does to a man's ego??? Just adding my two cents there