Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The masses have been calling for it!

Dating has seemed to take on a life of its own in the last couple of years and it has become increasingly more difficult to meet, enjoy and continue to enjoy the company of the opposite sex. There probably should be a slew of reasons contributing to this trend, however, the real problem can probably be assigned or traced back to one of two scenarios.
Imagine, you have just gone out on a first date and had a great time. You assume that your date had a good time too, and you think of the possibilities. Think now of that friend of yours that is convinced this person is going to be the "one" after just the first date. You've probably had numerous conversations where you've had to sit through them planning out the wedding in their heads. If you are the friend that does this, find yourself constantly thinking this or encourage friends to do this, please STOP. You are not helping out the normal people that like to reserve weeks or maybe even months to make this type of decision. Not only are you getting way to ahead of yourself, but you are creating a culture that most people don't want created. It seems that dating has become increasingly more difficult becuase people have a tough time discerning between dates and relationships. If someone ask you out for the second time, it isn't becuase they want to marry you, maybe just maybe, it is becuase they had fun and want to do so again! The poor souls that immediatly jump to marriage or scaring away the normal people that are just trying to have a little fun.
Continuing on, you may go on a second, third or maybe even a fourth date and everything seems to be moving along just great... then the shit hits the fan. You call to go out and you get a response like "uh, I'm just really busy this week, I'm not sure if I am gonna be able to do anything." You may not even get a response. Being the optomistic person that you are, you just assume that they must have lost their phone or your text got lost in cyber space. But lets be honest, everyone, and I mean everyone, has pulled the "oh, you sent me a text, I never got it...I just hate this phone, I have been having problems with it...what, I totally sent you a text back, why didn't you write me back?" Why must people lie about such a simple thing and resort to blaming AT&T and T-Mobile. It is unfortunate that we have turned to lies in our attempt to end a relationship. Why has soceity accepted the fade-out as an appropriate way to end a relationship or courtship? Is it so hard to just answer the phone and say, "you know what, we had a good run, but it just isn't going to work out, let's be friends!" (PS, I have never handled something like this in my life, but i promise to try. We need only to look at ourselves for inspiration.)
Dating would be much easier if people wouldn't assume that every date is a interview for marriage and if the fade-out wasn't an acceptable method of ending things. People become hesitant to go out and have a good time becuase they constatnly have to worry about how things may or may not end. For the love of Nick Cannon, if this hits close to home, please stop acting this way!


Trenton Lloyd said...

I have a few counter-arguements that I would like to present. Give me a day and I will have a full rebuttle.

Tiffany + Jared said...

update your blog already!

Rachel E. Bytheway said...

Let me tell you what the masses are calling for: how about some pics of you and the lucky lady, eh?